Everything becomes a
question of morals.
To get here:

Of all the things I expected to find, this was not on the list.
But it happened.
The cube.
And the cherry
All that there was was a
curiosity about algorithms. In this case, what one feels like. Three or four
days before the viewing, Wifey brought home a cube.
Nobody could figure it out.
Having been down that road
to nowhere once before, Dad was determined to read the instructions this time.
The idea is that, over time(s), let’s say one hundred of them, Dad should have
the patterns memorized.
Only problem is, Son didn’t
understand that Dad needed another ninety-seven tries to be able to do it
without reading from the manual. And, on top of that, the phone’s battery was
running low, so accessing the collective electronic medium was not considered a
practical option.
Dad couldn’t figure out why
ADHD son was so almost freaking out about his father not regurgitating the solution on demand.
Even after the careful and explicit explanation of the first level (Stage 4). ADHD had asked
Dad early on in the day and Dad was surprised how this could be upsetting the
hyperactive offspring hours after the initial discussion/request. No, he hadn't forgotten. And yes, he didn't understand.
Then Wifey's steady voice of reason explained, probably
for the second time that day... she
explained that Son had told his gang of cohorts, those little rascals who he’d been running
full-speed and non-stop with while smashing just about every fallen petal in
the park… offspring had said that his Dad could solve the cube. A simple kid’s
At his age, I hardly knew
In trying to show how to go about solving a problem, I have ended up creating one.
Which is kind of how the problem gets solved.
The first level’s easy.
Got 96 more times to go to
really understand what an algorithm feels like.
Just go somewhere out of sight for about 10 minutes, peel off and switch the square, colored stickers back to the original state, return and present the solved cube and say 'Whose daddy owns all the other daddies in this here park, bitchez?!..."
ReplyDeleteInstant hero.
That's exactly where the moral dilemma rears its ugly head. Could have easily taken the thing apart and snapped it back together, but that would put me at square one in terms of actually knowing how to do something (albeit potentially useless).
DeleteThe cube is like a religion for some people; for me, it's a mechanism that needs unlocking and patience is my key.
Speaking of blasphemy, Yahoo says "
HELL NO! Never remove the stickers, It's very difficult to get them back correctly and they will probably fall off again..."
I will not be tempted. I will not be tempted. I will not be...tempted.
I have been trying to figure out the magic algorithm to the sodoku but I can't. Despite that, I want to do post grad studies in algorithms and that kind of shit. They are awesome.
ReplyDeleteHere's where it could get a little weird. Has anyone ever tried to solve the puzzle using color for numbers in a way that uses the natural progression of the color wheel? Not too sure if that makes sense the way the question has been posed. At a glance, Sudoku looks like a stack of nine Rubik's cubes.
DeleteI once had a bunch of survey data and tried to organize the answers by assigning colors, starting with three primary (r,y,b - pigment based approach, I think). By the end of the process, every answer could be 'seen'. Funny enough, the few who answered the survey in way where cause and effect could not be nailed down, the combination of colors came up with gray.
Anyway, since colors and numbers are related, if 1-9 were assigned a correlative value, there might be something to it?
Someone's probably already figured it out already and are (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ky3GLuZ_hII). Answering the question that comes up in the link, I can't figure out which of the three - v, a, or k - is mine.
Do you know what kind yours is?
A maze.
ReplyDeleteThe stress is actually the fun and once you solve it it becomes a time challenge...which is less fun.
They say they are creating algorithms as we speak that will connect everything you have ever done in the binary realm.
It is like looking for a needle in a haystack without ever having seen a needle but when they do..soon...you will be ...all of you...will be called up instantly on their device and everything will be available. Folks who worry about loss of privacy have already lost it. The genie is out of the bottle and she's never coming back.
Amazing shit...expensive too. And did I say big?
yottabytes (A yottabyte is a septillion bytes—so large that no one has yet coined a term for the next higher magnitude.)
"Son, don't go sticking your hand in any more boxes..." or something like that. (That line means nothing)
DeleteThat Wired article sounds like something out of the movie Vincenzo Natali made (reference buried - not too deep - in the post). Though I didn't love that film, Cypher made up for the unpleasantness. (Googles) Holly shit! They're letting him do Neuromancer?
Back to desserts and that state of pious people...
(Here's a riddle that may not get solved, but it is telling. I haven't actually seen the answer and someone may have already solved it)
In the desert, there were young and creative minds with access to a studio where they recorded a supposedly neutral debate. When they happened to fast-forward, they noticed something slightly peculiar, something you'd see and understand if you were familiar with, let's say, filming and the cost of equipment capable of doing what was done.
One of the candidates, a former vee-pee, when he was shown, the camera, ever so slightly would zoom in on him. When the asses' ass-candidate was shown, the camera would zoom out. This was a very subtle effect that, as was told, could only be done intentionally and needed to be pre-programmed... or something like that. Not accident there.
(Processing... the following was taken from an official debate, but the evidence shows how subtle the system's work was)
"In the 1988 CBS interview with Vice President Bush, the reporter Dan Rather took a harsh approach to the Iran-contra affair, providing and securing some votes for Bush and creating a negative light on CBS. Rather continually questioned Bush about this issue, knowing Bush had wanted the interview to be about his political profile and not a reminder of the Iran issue. In the video, Bush responds to Rather’s questions quite strongly, as if he had just been asked the same question a minute before. Along with his fiery responses is once again a slow zoom onto Bush, using this effect as a way for the viewers at home to side with Bush. Television networks have the ability to shape public opinion because of the growth of mass media."
Read more: http://www.ukessays.com/essays/media/how-entertainment-has-changed-america-media-essay.php#ixzz2OhZ8WQCM
Yotta, yotta, yotta...
There was music playing when he asked a question:
"Can I have that cigarette now?"
Music I hope I never hear.
I don't break things.
I don't steal.
Thank you for your time.
I can't. Not on purpose anyways, once when I was feverish and dying in the hospital I accidentally solved it. My sister on the other hand, she learned how and still can solve the cubes. She can even do the 4x4... our minds were not built the same.
ReplyDeleteSad part is, I love puzzles. Word games, puzzle games, all manner of mental exercise; except those confounded cubes. I can get as far as getting the 'T' before I freak out and throw the cube like a ninja star.
Peculiar timing for 'accidentally' finding the key to a gateway... and not being allowed to cross.
Delete(You wouldn't happened to have clicked on the "HELL NO" and "tempted" links in response to ED, would you?)
I don't like games, puzzles, and all manner of mental exercise that is imposed upon me. Especially when the design is poor, the instructions are bad, and the end result is nothing more than an arbitrarily placed goal. I suspect the resentful and righteous voice of authority that comes with such kinds of instruction is often unaware of what is really going on.
Sometimes it's pretty cool to just know that there are such things as algorithms.
Flowers for Algernon?
or was it A Flower from Algernon?
(Last two question are me just thinking out loud)
Thank you for your time and the effort you've put into unlocking bits and pieces of this mess (my algorithm).
And I hope you aren't pushed into solving any puzzles you don't want to solve anytime soon. Good to have 'freak out' as one of the options.
Ahh Flowers for Algernon... good stuff right there. I have been meaning to have my hubs watch Charlie since he isn't into reading anything that is not a Star Wars novel (or other sci-fi really). I find the book quite profound, but he will get the gist of it from Charlie I think.
DeleteAs for puzzles, I put them down now. I am stuck on word 300 something of '4 pics 1 word'.
Oh gosh... really wasn't expecting anyone to follow Algernon.
Delete(Preferably, the following comment will be read in its entirety before pressing the embedded link)
Unaware there was a book, not just a short story printed out in the smelly purple ink that kids like to put their noses up to before they are asked to read... after reading your comment, 'Will' (that's me) discovered that there's a book, as well as other stuff written by another one of the Keyes. This is where perceptions of reality become a little bit blurry.
*remembers to breathe*
Ever heard of The Milligan Wars? Me neither. The way the information is presented on the Web, I thought I was being punked. I mean, I did a few quick Google searches and stumbled across material/information via a Wikipedia entry.
Here is the sequence of my search order:
a) Flowers for Algernon via Wikipedia - read it, then followed link to Daniel Keyes after marveling at the black orchid on the book's cover.
b) Read about Daniel - surprised he's still alive (85, wow!)and then clicked the Many Minds of Billy Milligan. Just a book, right? Right?!
This is where the confusion started. I thought Billy Milligan was just a character in a fictional story. "William S. Milligan is supposed to be a fictional character!" I thought. I began to feel like I was falling for something...
How can anything really be fact-checked or verified if all the information is electronic? Where's the evidence, other than some suspect looking 'information', that shows this to be real?
To anyone reading this, there are two paths you can try. The long path is following the sequence outlined above, or go straight to the embedded link (which is all in Japanese... after a lot of bad acting, they show some actual footage).
Schizophrenia, that long word, is a noun I learned to pronounce by the time I was maybe six; I don't have it. But I used to confuse it with MP/DID. I don't have that either. I've been around people who have definitely had the former, while I am suspicious there may be a person or two who fall into the latter category.
And why, or why, would a book only be published in Japan? What is what makes living here kind of surreal in that I am often expected to cater to other people's insanity while attempting to stave off my own.
(okay, back to the algorithms)
I had no knowledge of The Milligan Wars and it's a damn shame I only understood maybe 10 words in the vid clip you embedded. :(
DeleteAnd I searched for the book too but it is not available in English either. Damnitall!
Keys was required reading in high school and then again when I took my psych classes at uni. I am curious to know what stories are in the Japan collection that are not known of here in the states.
The J-made video basically retells what's already available in English. I didn't catch anything new on the first viewing. Only a few days ago, there was an interview with Billy available on Youtube... can't find it now.
DeleteNow I'm a little curious too.