Just today…just recently in
fact…this was there…in the background…this sound that is meant to somehow lend
ambiance…because I can’t really listen…but I can barrow as I hear
it…watching the ones who sway…because now is bad…in a deep way…that takes at least
a few minutes in…to get to…going down…yeah…just how far…his body was so
light…light as a feather…even in the coffin…that was passed along…light as mist
gone up to heaven…not light...weighted sand of a dark soul…fallen…one grain at a
time…down below…no wind to scatter…fierce…each too
heavy…those little moments…lead-heavy tears…some sad…their streaks go
down…pulling...not up…not like smoke…not like clouds.
Yeah, so the world didn’t end today.No. No, it didn’t end. Not the world. Not the one that everybody else is in.But mine is. I’m ending this world around me.
“Maybe you need to get away.
Maybe you need some time.”
“Maybe we all do. That’s
what this gives me. This gives me time. To get lost.”
Now I close my eyes.