“For the people who are
interested in what I happen to be doing, rarely does anyone express interest in who I may be, which is not
really the point anyway. This might take a minute...look...”
“So, what is the point?”
“The point is that none of
this is systematic. No, none of this is systematic in a sophisticated sense of
the word. There is nothing coercive going on - nothing deliberate along the
following lines:
- The number of choices
do not lead to the same conclusion
- Ideas and phrases are
rarely repeated
- Information is not
provided in a manner designed to dampen intelligence
- Anger and fear are not
used to put a person in a heightened state
It's important to be able to see the forest from the trees... so we are not being taken
down one of two vary narrow paths at all.”
“We end up having
discussions while walking outside in daylight. The key here being an activity…
an activity… any activity that requires constant and steady motion without it
becoming hyp…not…ic…”
“I... see.”
“Urban areas are often too
‘busy’ for this type of exchange. There is simply too much going on that could
emerge and suddenly pose a risk. In such an environment, the stress of
continuous shifting of focus on what is near and far is too great;
simultaneously pushing and pulling a person’s attention, the oscillation tends to distort the
“So, now that we are
walking along this open path, what is on your mind?”
“What’s on my mind? What’s
on my mind is how we edit our realities. We edit our realities without thinking
about it… without thinking about it to the point where we don’t see the
possibilities. That is what's on my mind.”
“I suspect that we’ve
effectively 'reformed our thoughts' to the point where it takes something akin to
a near-death experience to ‘wake up’. And that state of being awake only lasts
for so long.”
Top Animated Gif
Hypnotic Spiral Gif
Still Photo
A Good Photographer
Pocket Watch
Parabolic Mic
The Last Thing You Remember
Is Feeling
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