
Silly Grins

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Status Quo: Is This It?

Not pushing nor fighting what is, but definitely taking note. 
Could this simply be a misunderstanding of cultural differences? 

What do you see?

Comments are open. Thought a lot about this, turned it over several times in my mind and decided to just 'put it out there' and see what happens. In another post or two, I'll put up the thoughts that are behind this. For now, I'll just wait and see...


  1. I am missing something obvious, I take it.

  2. Mr.S: Parking in designated disabled slots is probably best explained by something other than malice...that's my guess.

  3. Somebody in P.R. and Image Control should/would be spinning on their head at this bullshit. Not even mentioning the obvious fuckedupedness of it.

  4. Chris!: This is perhaps the best thing for PR because there is a strong suspicious feeling that this kind of think is not an isolated incident. "What the f---?" I'm betting, just betting that this kind of thing happens all the time, kind of like those carelessly flicked cigarette butts or bottles of what-ever-it-was along the beach...(yeah, it goes there)...Back to image control...does anyone remember the P**psie challenge? If enough 'evidence' can be amassed over however long it takes...the fact that 'this kind of thing' is an 'issue' is kind of undeniable. The first 'biggie' (Smoke or P**psie... or whomever), the first 'biggie' to take this on could possibly hit the general population at a level that could possibly alter the prevailing cultural current that doesn't appear to give a fork or care or...whatever.

    My bet is that this kind of phenomenon is the norm...(stay tuned to the next post or so that kind of illustrates where some ideas are coming from).

    Thanks again for time/attention.

    About PR, the longer the accumulation of this kind of 'evidence' can be accumulated, the better. "PR" folks should arguably be kept in the dark in order for this kind of thing to be able to grow. This is not simply brand-specific behavior. It would be interesting, eventually, to see who is willing to set the best example.


  5. I think it is the norm, it's so socially accepted here that nobody would probably give a shit unless someone bothered to point it out. Of course I agree with Chris, mmanagement would still be squirming if they say it, and just from their sugar overloads.

  6. Corinne: Bullseye. Most of the people I've talked to would agree that it is definitely the norm/default. What I'm proposing, and some of the foolish thinking behind it, will be put up is a post or two. And heck yes, as Chris pointed out, management would squirm. What I'm kind of hoping to do is play a very minor part in getting something rolling...that's all in the next post or so. The goal/aim/target is not one company or industry in particular...yeah, pictures of commercial organizations with the muscle to do something in terms of swaying opinons of the masses should probably be worth more points. From my experience, I've seen ordinary folk do it...once in a way that almost had me flipping my lid.
    The only possible downside is that big corporations may already have a dismissive policy in place (as well as a way of applying certain kinds of pressure), so the more of this particular kind of frank observation people make, the better. Makes things harder to deny. Otherwise, this whole thing turns into a mere footnote in the section of 'noble causes' that sits on a shelf somewhere collecting dust.
    Just realized that I'm sort of repeating myself here. Same as it ever was...
    The only people who care are perhaps the ones who have to put up with this stuff on a daily basis only to be rolled out from time to time for aesthetics...(did I just type that?!).
    I totally apprciate your feedback and find your blog inspirational.

  7. as the father of a child for whom those parking spaces are reserved... having had countless encounters with perfectly healthy... no, I'd better just stop here and not let this get to me.

  8. Bigg: Over the next few weeks, I'll be attempting to put something together (more like thinking aloud) on the Internet using what is available and hopefully come up with the presentation of a very simple idea in a way that even less "tuned in" people can understand/digest. For now, here is something I came across that touches on something Mr. S might find familiar.

    (Until I figure out how to allow videos in the comment section, this is going to have to do)

